George Orwell warned us in his book 1984 of the possibility of a government which is at permanent war and stifles the freedom of it's citizens though wide domestic spying backed up by brutal policing... MassOps is hosting the BRICnic on august 4th (or 8/4) at 3:00pm in the park behind 1 Schroeder Place Roxbury MA which is the BRIC DHS fusion center. The nightmare of 1984 is upon us here in America. We are in a state of endless war- Iraq, Afghanistan, and especially the unending “war on terror” and we are under a vast domestic spying program (our federal government just voted to continue funding the NSA) and law enforcement is already brutal. Remember that the occupy movement was violently repressed and that (even in nonviolent places like New York) the “anti terror units” we're called upon to evict protesters. Activists are now “terrorists” in the eyes of law enforcement and are treated accordingly. It is time to stand up now and defy the criminality of our government- do not consent to your shackles!
     Domestic spying is insidious. We now know that all of our travel and everything we say or write and whoever we say it to is recorded and scrutinized by our government which has so many laws on the book that it's been estimated that everyone commits three felonies a day. Now that you know the that your words are being recorded and scrutinized by a government that can lock you away at any moment you self censor your actions associations and speech. Domestic spying is against the fourth amendment, and causes serious damage to the first amendment, so it is not only onerous and insidious it is illegal. We the people are the sovereign power, this is our land by right, and the tyrants who seek to steal our land from us are criminals and must be opposed.
     It's time to wake up and face the reality of 1984 here in America. It is time to see it for what it is- criminality on the part of those who are supposed to represent our interests and a perversion of the constitution. We will have our picnic in the park openly defying those who watch us and would steal from us our right to privacy and our right to speak. We will push back against the state by arming ourselves with knowledge to take home and spread to our friends and family. We will not cower to criminals and we will be vocal in our outrage at the seeping surveillance state. We reject 1984, come join us.

    The BRICnic will be attended by Restore the Fourth who is observing Orwell Day by holding a panel of speakers. The docket includes Alex from, Kade from the ACLU, Steve and Kendra of the Mass Pirate Party, KT of MassOps, and Chris Faraone a journalist, and author covering the Boston political & activist scene. We'll provide food, water, information, and defiance of authority so please bring your ears, and ideas so together we can successfully turn back this post 9/11 1984 authoritarian state.

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